BonBon - Netzero social network
Bonbon is a social network designed to connect, share, and promote green lifestyles among its users, much like the Strava app has successfully done for running enthusiasts. The platform features a rewarding mechanism for carbon credits earned by users who help reduce emissions through the use of eco-friendly products, granting them 1 carbon credit for every 1 unit of CO2 emissions they reduce. Users can trade, gift, or convert these credits into cash, and with a robust and user-friendly referral system, individuals can easily share the platform with each other, potentially sparking a new trend.
Bonbon is a pioneer in providing an easy-to-use and adopt comprehensive solution for personal carbon credits, allowing users to simply open the app and scan a QR code to accumulate carbon emission reduction points, all under the governance of a non-profit organization and a DAO.